Parent Resources
Since its inception in 2007, the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) has focused on creating opportunities for the commonwealth's youngest children to develop and learn to their fullest potential. This goal is accomplished through a framework of supports and systems that help ensure that children and their families have access to high-quality services. OCDEL is jointly overseen by the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education.
Office of Child Development and Early Learning
Our program is committed to supporting your family to access outside resources that may be of benefit to you. If you have questions or need assistance to access these resources, please contact Patty Schweitzer at 724-745-4333 or kwi101@comcast.net .
Good nutrition today means a stronger tomorrow!
Building for the Future with CACFP
This daycare receives support from the Child and Adult Care Food Program to serve healthy meals to your children.
Meals served here must meet USDA's nutrition standards.
Questions? Concerns?
Learn more about CACFP at USDA's website:
The Better Kid Care Program (Penn State Cooperative Extension) provides educational training in a variety of ways that support early learning and quality child care.
PNC Grow Up Great is the most comprehensive corporate-based school readiness program in the country.The ultimate goal of the program is to help produce stronger, smarter and healthier children, families and communities.PNC Grow Up Great will invest in grants, sponsorships, television and print content, communications and volunteerism over ten years to promote school readiness. http://www.pncgrowupgreat.com
The Pennsylvania Department of Health’s mission is to promote healthy lifestyles, prevent injury and disease, and to assure the safe delivery of quality health care for all Commonwealth citizens. http://www.health.state.pa.us
The Office of Commonwealth Libraries, within the PA Department of Education, operates a major research library and leads the development of the state’s public, school and academic and special libraries to meet the information, education and enrichment needs of its residents
The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s mission is to lead and serve the educational community to enable eactive, fulfilled lifelong learner. http://www.pde.state.pa.us/pde_internet/site/default.asp
The Federal Child Care Bureau website includes The National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC). The NCCIC is a national clearinghouse and technical assistance center that links parents, providers, policy-makers, researchers, and the public to early care and education information. http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ccb/
Pennsylvania Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (PANA) is a statewide organization supported by a coalition of more than 500 public, private, academic, professional and volunteer groups, working to promote policies and environments that support healthy eating and activity. http://www.panaonline.org/index.php
The Pennsylvania Nutrition Education Program (PA NEP) is a community-based nutrition education program for individuals and families who receive or are eligible to receive Food Stamps. The program goal is to increase the likelihood that Food Stamp recipients will use their food dollars and Food Stamps appropriately, make healthy food choices consistent with the Food Guide Pyramid and the Dietary Guidelines, and provide a safe meal environment.
Project PA is a collaboration between Penn State University’s Department of Nutritional Sciences and the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Division of Food and Nutrition. It partners with schools and their communities to provide sound nutrition education and to promote children’s healthy eating behaviors. _
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a federally funded program that provides healthy supplemental foods and a range of nutrition services for pregnant women, postpartum and breastfeeding women, and infants and children under 5 in a supportive environment.
State and Local Government on the net is a directory of information on local government. http://www.statelocalgov.net/state-pa.cfm
The Big Brothers Big Sisters vision is successful mentoring relationships for all children who need and want them, contributing to better schools, brighter futures, and stronger communities for all.