School-Age Program
Before & After School Overview
Kids World provides before and after school care for children who attend the surrounding school districts. In addition to supplementing what they have learned in school, they participate in interactive learning models that engage critical thinking skills, get assistance with their homework from our trained staff, and have a chance to socialize with each other and form long-lasting friendships that enhance their development, growth and self-confidence.

School - Age Program Includes:
Grades K-6
Monday through Friday on regular school days
Full care on no-school days
Care for 2 hour delays
Summer Care
A safe place to learn, have fun and get active
Breakfast, Lunch (Kindergarten) & Snack
Schools That Provide Transportation:
Hills-Hendersonville Elementary (located next door) : Our staff drops off & picks up
Cecil Intermediate Schools : Canon McMillan Busing
South Fayette Elementary School : South Fayette Busing

Typical Day Before & After School
6:30 - 8:00 AM Greeting the Children / Parent Communication / Breakfast / Free Play
8:25 AM Gather book bags / line up for school
11:30 AM Lunch for Kindergarten
12:00 Quiet Activities
1:00 PM Playground Time / Gross Motor Skills
3:00 PM Hand washing / Snack Time
4:00 PM Free Choice Centers
5:00 PM Large Group Games
6:00 PM Goodbyes / Hugs / Parent Communication