Toddler Program
Toddler Program Overview
Toddlers discover their world on a physical level. Kids World understands that children learn more by doing rather than being told. They are expected to walk, climb, carry objects, dump/drop, run, and hop! By no means does Kids World believe that young children should be taught while sitting, we are an active group but allow time for books and snuggles.
In planning for your toddler, our teachers are prepared to be flexible and spontaneous. Because they are active explorers, toddlers are eager to try new things and use materials in different ways. Our teachers will go with the cues of the child and extend the learning when necessary.
Toddlers are working on becoming autonomous. The teacher respects this and allows opportunities for the child to be responsible and make choices. Expectations for behaviors are developmentally appropriate and allow the child to be challenged yet to feel support from the teacher. Here at Kids World, with patience, warmth and respect, we redirect toddlers to help guide them toward controlling their impulse and behaviors. Constant testing and expression of opposition are viewed as the child’s development of a healthy sense of self. The teacher views herself as a model for how she wants the children to develop. We also recognize that routines are important moments to help children learn about themselves and others. Our staff views playtime as valuable, and facilitates this so that children stay interested and move from simple to more complex aspects of play.
Kids World guides toddlers from the road of discovery incorporating the PA Standards along with assessments. The PA Keystone Stars define environment in a broad sense and take into consideration the arrangement of space both indoors and outdoors, the materials and activities offered to the children, the supervision and interactions (including language) that occur in the classroom, and the schedule of the day, including routines and activities. Each room has specific areas of interest including Math/Science, Library, Blocks, Dramatic Play, & Music/Movement that help develop and stimulate your child's interest. The room is full of fun, stimulating toys, while still providing a calm and soothing environment. Children are encouraged by an adult to care for the belongings and the environment in ways they can handle. Kids World creates and adapts the environment and activities to meet the children’s changing needs from day to day.

Toddlers : New Skills to Accomplish
Use one or two words to label objects and express needs and wants
Explore writing with scribbles on paper
Ask and answer simple questions about stories in books
Follow simple rules most of the time
Start to follow rules independently like going to the sink to wash hands
Become Potty Trained
Complete simple two-step tasks
Stay focused for several minutes while attending to an activity
Show increased interest in interacting with other children
Complete activities with confidence and look for new challenges like
putting on shoes and trying to tie them -
Share with other children and take turns
Show an increasing ability to control their hands
Improve running skills and start to jump and hop
​Learn differences in size and volume
Sort and classify objects like helping a teacher make piles of different colored toys
​Start to count, know colors and basic shapes
Sing and remember simple songs
Build science knowledge including the difference between day and night
Enter the world of make believe with simple props like toy phones and puppets

Typical Day with Toddlers
6:30 - 8:00 AM Greeting the Children / Parent Communication / Breakfast / Free Play
8:00 - 9:00 AM Table Toys Activities
9:00 AM Potty Time / Hand washing / Snack Time
9:30 AM Circle Time : Welcoming Activities, Calendar, Weather, Songs
10:00 AM Free Choice & Teacher Directed Centers : Art, Sensory, Language, Math, Fine Motor, Child Initiated Activities
Art and Sensory : Creative activities enhance emotional development, finger painting, pasting, etc
Language Skills : Emphasis on language development, puppets, games, books, rhymes, etc.
Fine Motor Skills : Matching, classifying, exposure to numbers
Playground Time / Gross Motor Skills : Children will engage in physical exercise, coordination, balance, tossing balls, etc.
Music and Movement : Rhythmic movement, singing, listening, dancing, social interaction
11:00 AM Diapering / Potty Time / Hand washing
11:30 AM Lunch
12:00 - 2:30 PM Rest Time / Quiet Activities
3:00 PM Diapering / Potty Time / Hand washing / Snack Time
4:00 PM Playground Time / Gross Motor Skills
5:00 PM Free Choice Centers : Table Toy Activities
6:00 PM Goodbyes / Hugs / Parent Communication